Sunday 19 December 2010

My Ultimate Christmas Film

My ultimate Christmas film - although it is a bit cliche and a typical girly film - is The Holiday. The reason being: it's a classic rom-com with a happy ending. Cheesy, i know, but it's the kind of film I like.
The holiday has 4 main characters in it:
- Amanda (the super rich American beauty, played by Cameron Diaz)
- Iris (the awkward English woman, played by Kate Winslet)
- Miles (the not-so-good-looking male who is also super rich, but very modest about it, played by Jack Black)
- Graham (the bumbling British gentleman, played by Jude Law)

As love stories generally go, the four main characters are all linked in some way with either family or work ties, and so the two couples that finally get together (Amanda and Graham; Iris and Miles) all become great friends at the end.
I like The Holiday because it generally has a feel-good factor to it, especially at the end when everything turns out just fine, despite it being a total mess throughout the rest of the film. It's one of those films where you know that there will be a happy ending, but it's hard to remember that fact when you become emotionally involved in the events which occur throughout.
It's the type of film that would definately appeal to females because both of the female characters in the film end up with charming men who they are desperately in love with. This is how almost every woman wants their life to end up.
Overall, I think The Holiday is the ultimate Christmas film because you just feel so happy when it's over. Not because you don't have to watch anymore of it, but because it makes you think that maybe you could be, or already are as elated in the characters in the film are. You come out of the cinema or finish watching the DVD and think, "Oh, what a lovely film." Like I said, it's got the feel good factor! :)

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