Tip Top Pop magazine is extremely honoured to introduce to you...
(Sally K in huge, bold font)
(Picture of Sally K bending forward to towards the camera and holding onto the huge headphones that cover her ears).
Here at Tip Top Pop, we feel super privileged to have nabbed the very first ever interview with dazzling new pop sensation, Sally K. As Sally's first ever single "Finding Love" storms the charts and keeps hold of the number 1 spot for its third week running, what Laura Hudson really wants to know is how this charming 16 year old girl, fresh out of school, managed to rise to fame so early on in life...
TTP: Morning Sally! It's so lovely to meet you and to have you hear at Tip Top Pop for your first ever interview. It must be daunting to be getting phone calls from magazines and radio stations left, right and centre begging for interviews with you, especially at such a young age!
SK: Thanks! I'm so excited to be here! Of course it is daunting to begin with, but it's amazing feeling that the UK want to know all about me already, despite me having only released one single so far.
TTP: Can I just say you are looking particularly gorgeous this morning. Very preppy!
SK: Oh thank you! What I'm wearing right now is actually the very first item of clothing I splurged on when I started earning money for my music. (Spreads arms out wide to allow Laura to admire the beautifully designed Mulberry cropped jacket). I'm not used to having such luxuries.
TTP: Ooh that must have been a real treat for you. Have you grown up in a family with little money then?
SK: I definitely wouldn't say we were a poor family, but we had to be quite careful with money because my Dad is a self-emplyed kitchen fitter. There are times when he gets loads of work and a fair amount of money, and then other times we're scraping it a bit. It's not like I was deprived in any way as a child. Not at all! I mean, we live in a semi-detached moderately sized house and my parents always worked their hardest to ensure me, my brother and my sister had a great upbringing, but some times were just harder than others; just like they are in all families.
TTP: A fairly average family then really? Have they had much of an input into your musicality?
SK: Well, my parents are mainly into stuff from the '70's and '80's, because that's the kind of stuff they would listen to when they were younger. And then my older brother has always been into more rock and indie bands. But we constantly had Radio 1 on in the house, so me and my younger sister have grown up listening to the charts and all of the new up-and-coming artists on that.
TTP: What about the school you have recently left? Did they have much of an influence on your decision to try and break into the music industry?
SK: They definitely aided me in my decision, yes. I started off in the choir when I first joined the school and then went on to perform a couple of solos in school concerts and things like that. It kind of felt natural to me I guess. I decided to go on and take music at GCSE level, and that's when the teachers become really interested and involved in pushing your musical talents.
TTP: And our secret spy (aka, your mum!) told us that you got an A* in music, you brainbox!
SK: Haha! Trust her to say that! Yes, I did, but only because I worked really, really hard. I suppose it affected some of my other subjects like Maths and Science because I didn't concentrate so hard on them, but it has helped me to get to where I am now, so I have to be grateful for that.
TTP: We've also heard that you've got a bit of a romance going on with fellow teen star James Bell. Can you confirm if these rumours are true?
SK: I've known James for a couple of years now, but we're just really good friends. We understand each other because we've both launched pop careers from a very young age and sometimes it feels like we've been thrown in at the deep end. It helps when you can talk to someone with similar experiences to you.
TTP: So definitely no romance? Just friends?
SK: Yes, just friends.
TTP: Is there anyone else on the cards that we don't know about though?
SK: No, seriously, there's no one. The main reason is because I literally have no time for boys at the minute. I'm so busy with making new music and promoting it that I don't have any spare time and it wouldn't be fair on whoever I was with.
... for now, I am going to leave this as it is, but as I begin to construct my double page spread and know the sizings of columns etc, I will be able to decide whether or not I need to add some more to the interview to fill up any extra space.
As you can see, I have based a lot of my questions on non-music related topics such as style (comment on her appearance) and love life (question about fellow teen star) to show how the content of pop magazines have evolved and are now much less music based.